Saturday, July 26, 2008

You Can Bet On It!

(Pictured above: John Blowers)

Gambling has the highest suicide rate among all addictions. This week we taped another episode, "Inside Gambling". We were joined in the studio by John Blowers, the author of Life on Tilt. We discussed gambling addiction, warning signs, triggers, and treatment. John helped us take an inside view from rags to riches and back- if you're lucky enough to make it back.

To learn more about Life on Tilt, visit John Blower's web site.

If you know someone with a gambling addiction, ending their addiction can begin with you. For information about gambling interventions, call toll-free 877-333-4911. For information about the support network for gamblers, visit Gamblers Anonymous online.

Be sure to check our broadcast schedule so you don't miss this eye opening account of gambling addiction. It could save the life of someone you love.

Acupuncture as an Alternative Treatment

(Pictured above: Co-producer, Terri Seeley, with acupuncture needles in her ear.)

Janice Irwin, a NYS Certified Acupuncture and Detoxification Specialist, appeared as a guest on Inside Addiction. Janice performed acupuncture (pictured above) to demonstrate the process of Auricular Acupuncture for Addiction. You will see on the show the exact process as Janice explains the step-by-step procedure.

Please check out the broadcast schedule to see when this episode will air.

Special thanks to Janice Irwin. For more information on the National Acupunture Detoxification Association, please click here.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Upcoming Episodes

We recently taped episode 2 and it is in the editing process. Episode 2 will be airing in the near future. Please be sure to check the broadcasting schedule on our web site for the most up-to-date listings.

We are heading back into the studio next week to tape episode 3. This episode will focus on an alternative treatment for addiction in the fight against drugs- accupunture. Our guest will include Janice Irwin who will demonstrate the accupunture she has implemented on people in recovery.

For more information, please visit our web site at

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Celebrating Your Independence

(picture taken in Tampa Bay, Fl. at a Twelve Step Regional Picnic)

We hope everyone had a safe and happy Fourth of July weekend! Congratulations to all who celebrate their independence from addiction be it to alcohol, drugs, gambling, etc.

There is no better gift than that of freedom- the freedom from bondage!

In staying with the primary goal of Inside Addiction to educate and raise awareness about addiction, we look forward to bringing you another episode within the next few weeks. Thank you to everyone who watched the show this week as we have received a lot of positive feedback from its airing in three states with a viewership of up to 1.5 million people- from Coxsackie to Clifton Park, from Voorheesville to Vermont, from Massachusettes to Mechanicville and everywhere in between. Again, on a daily basis, we try to spread the message and help as many people as possible who are affected by addiction- not just the addict.
For more information, visit us at