Sunday, August 16, 2009

Underage and Under Their Influence

(Above: Recovering alcoholic Nora S. pictured with her daughter, Niki, at the taping of Underage and Under the Influence.)
8 million children in the United States live in a household where either one of both of their parents suffer from addiction. 1 in 10 kids live in a household where at least one parent suffers from alcoholism and/or drug addiction. Over 25 million Americans suffer from addiction. Far too often the other victims of this disease are forgotten even though they suffer as much if not more than the addict themselves. Alcoholism and drug addiction effects families, the sons, daughters, nephews, and nieces every day. In light of the recent occurance on the Taconic Parkway, finally the spotlight is being shed and awareness is being raised about this disease and all of the people that it effects.
Be sure to check out for our upcoming episode, Underage and Under Their Influence. Just as 8 million kids live in a household with a parent who suffers from alcoholism and/or drug addiction, so can those same children grow up in that same household with a parent in recovery.

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